Think Tank
MultiHelix Think Tank (MTT)
MTT is founded as a private initiative, politically and organisationally independent and not for profit. MTT is financed by the MultiHelix members in collaboration – free from domination by a any particular stakeholder.
MTT facilitates collaboration in a structured way between academia, business, public service, patients & citizens, financing bodies, cluster organisations and institutes. MTT consists of 100 members from more than 50 different organisations by invitation only. Each member has a proven qualified track record in their own area of expertise
We share a common vision wanting to strengthen Life Science and related sectors regionally as well as nationally and internationally. Together we form new ideas and projects which will be shared among relevant stakeholders and the community.
MTT stands for a cross sectorial collaboration opposite to a world of silos and slim organisations which are becoming more and more focused on single questions without using the helicopter perspective.
What do we do and how do we work
We are a meeting place for people with ideas using our capacity and will to influence decison making to create change. MTT ’s vison is to become a nationally recognised Think Tank within Life Science, ICT and FoodTech via multidisciplinary collaboration in an international network.
We want to create value for people´s health and well being by utilizing knowledge for a sustainable growth and welfare. We initiate our own themes and projects more than delivering contract assignments to others. Our task is to identify, articulate, analyse and evaluate experienced problems, new suggestions and events.
We encourage members to act as ”critical friends” and propose thoughts for discussions and argumentation in confidence of a safe test bed for ideas and problem solving. This method encourages questioning of existing structures and systems as well as traditional ways of working.
We work in thematic groups, projects and workshops within, a few at a time, prioritised areas with a will to communicate our findings to the surrounding community. We are both a meeting place and a workshop at the same time where we work from facts and data to create new concepts for our own use and for anyone else interested in testing.
Examples of projects in MultiHelix Think Tank
A summary of themes and presenters from the start of the Think Tank in 2016.
- New EFPIA report: Patients W.A.I.T. Indicator 2019 Survey.
- Report from Forum för Health Policy: Innovation in elderly care
- Agenda 2030, SDG Industry Matrix. Health Care & Life Sciences. Report from UN and KPMG
- Konceptbeskrivning, Hälsoförskolan Örkelljunga (onepager)
- Hälsoförskolan i Örkelljunga, kort presentation av ett holistiskt koncept (PDF)
- Hälsoförskolan i Örkelljunga, utförlig presentation av ett holistiskt koncept (PDF)
- En film som visar miljön kring Hälsoförskolan i Örkelljunga
- Life science industrial usage of MAX IV and ESS (Report published in 2015)
- Rapport från rundabordsmöten ”Hur gör vi ESS och MAX IV till resurser för innovation inom Life Science – konkreta förslag”
- Slutrapport - Artist in residence (Hälsostaden, Ängelholm, Sweden)