SuperEcosystem is the most multi-disciplinary ECCP-certified Meta-Cluster in the Nordics. Headquartered in Pohjois-Savo, Finland, SuperEcosystem comprises of six clusters and ecosystems plus two facilitating organizations each specializing in their key capabilities. With a total of 55.5 B€ in revenue and 2.9 B€ in profit of their members, these clusters and ecosystems include:
– bio and circular economy (Bio and Circular Cluster North Savo)
– energy (Energy Cluster North Savo)
– agriculture and food (Agri-Food Cluster North Savo)
– machinery and materials (Machine and Materia Technology Ecosystem North Savo)
– water (Kuopio Water Cluster)
– health (Kuopio Health)
– business and entrepreneurship (Business Center Pohjois-Savo)
– digitalization (DigiCenterNS)
Imagine the cutting-edge innovations that can be created and piloted when clusters specializing in health and agri-food cross-pollinate. And what about when a water cluster is added? SuperEcosystem actively facilitates the cross-pollination within and between all these clusters and ecosystems with the goal of boosting knowledge-sharing, international activities, and sustainable growth.